Thursday, February 2, 2012

Colors and Shapes in French

Red = rouge
Orange = orange
Yellow = jaune
Green = vert / verte
Blue = bleu / bleue
Purple = violet / violette
White = blanc / blanche
Brown = brun / brune marron
Black = noir / noire
Pink = rose
Gold = doré / dorée
Silver = argenté / argentée
Gray = gris / grise

Square = le carré
Circle = le cercle
Triangle = le triangle
Rectangle = le rectangle
Oval = l'ovale
Cube = le cube
Sphere = la sphère
Cylinder = le cylindre
Cone = le cône
Octagon = l'octogone
Box = la boîte
Light = clair / claire
Dark = foncé / foncée

Some adjectives of color do not change to agree with gender or number, such as adjectives that also exist as nouns: orange, marron, rose; and compound adjectives: bleu clair, noir foncé remain masculine even if they describe a feminine noun.  Remember to place the color adjective after the noun.


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